PMO Coaching

P M O – C O A C H I N G the principles and steps are laid out for you in a visual and easy way in the video But…….. You need to write up, get approval and implement the necessary management plans for — EHS — Communication — Risk — Quality — Procurement […]

If your working with hydrogen or ammonia for example in a “green”, “blue” or “grey” environment and you understand this video below then that’s terrific, alternatively if you find the whole hazardous area system confusing then it’s time to talk to us or schedule a free consultation […]
Constructibility Review

What is Constructibility Review? Constructibility review is an ongoing process to enable that the right engineering deliverables will be completed supporting the required construction sequence in a timely manner. This we also call construction-driven engineering. In order to do a constructibility review, construction experts or trade specialists need to get involved during the engineering design […]